Summary class | Education homework help


This is the culminating assignment that brings together what we have discussed in this course. Using the information you have already collected (DRDP, ECERS, CLASS, and TPOT) imagine that all of your assessments were conducted on one school. You will create a summary of the school by using the evidence from your assessments and evaluating the program using the QRIS to determine if this particular program meets quality standards. 


Utilize the data from your observations and notes, course content/course literature and critical thinking skills to establish the schools strengths and areas for improvement.
Follow these steps to help you complete this assignment: 

  1. Look over and review your observations and notes from the DRDP assignment, and your ECERS/CLASS observation assignment and the answers to your summary questions in your papers.
  2. Using the QRIS, evaluate the program on the following:
    • Element I –Child outcomes and screening (DRDP)
    • Element 4- Teacher Qualifications and Teacher-Child Interactions (CLASS)
    • Element 6- Program Environment (ECERS)
  3. For elements 2, 3, 5 and 7, choose how many points your school would get (this is your choice, there is no right or wrong answer)
  4. Based on the rating you gave them for the elements above and to the best of your ability, give the school a Site Star Rating. You will need to justify the score you give them with evidence.
  5. Use the NAEYC Standards of Quality (10 components of a quality school) as well as any other course literature to evaluate the school’s quality.
  6. Identify the program’s strengths and areas of improvement.
  7. Using all of the information you compiled from above, in narrative form, write a summary of your program’s quality.


Structure of paper (6 page minimum): 


In order to adequately support your conclusions, you need to include: 

  • Evidence from observations
  • Explicitly defined course material (Define terms- i.e. validity, reliability etc.)
  • Accurate summaries of course literature
  • Personal Critical thought backed up by research
    Clarity & Style
  • Double check work for spelling errors, complete sentences, run-on sentences, consistent font, punctuation etc.
  • Organize your writing so that your ideas follow a logical progression (hint: follow the order of the body of the paper above)
  • Information should be presented in an appropriate level of detail
  • Information should be accurate and supported by references, quotes, and/or
    citations (as appropriate)
  • Statements of fact should be supported by references (to observation or source)
  • In-text citations should be in APA format
  • The reference page should include all text sources
    Submitting the assignment
    I attached all the DRDP, ECERS, CLASS, and TPOT below make sure you go over 
  • Also I attached the instruction so you can clear
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