Part c – queues, deques, and priority queues, 9

 After each of the following statements executes, what are the contents of the queue? Please explain. QueueInterface myQueue = new LinkedQueue<>(); myQueue.enqueue(“Jane”); myQueue.enqueue(“Jess”); myQueue.enqueue(“Jon”); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.dequeue()); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.getFront()); myQueue.enqueue(“Jim”); String name = myQueue.dequeue(); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.getFront());  2. — 3 points — After each of the following statements executes, what are the contents of the deque? Please explain. DequeInterface myDeque = new LinkedDeque<>(); myDeque.addToFront(“Jim”); myDeque.addToFront(“Jess”); myDeque.addToBack(“Jen”); myDeque.addToBack(“Josh”); String name = myDeque.removeFront(); myDeque.addToBack(name); myDeque.addToBack(myDeque.getFront()); myDeque.addToFront(myDeque.removeBack()); myDeque.addToFront(myDeque.getBack()); 3. — 3 points — After each of the following statements executes, what are the contents of the priority queue? Please explain. PriorityQueueInterface myPriorityQueue = new LinkedPriorityQueue<>(); myPriorityQueue.add(“Jim”); myPriorityQueue.add(“Josh”); myPriorityQueue.add(“Jon”); myPriorityQueue.add(“Jane”); String name = myPriorityQueue.remove(); myPriorityQueue.add(name); myPriorityQueue.add(myPriorityQueue.peek()); myPriorityQueue.add(“Jose”); myPriorityQueue.remove(); It is OK to assume that the alphabetically earliest string has the highest priority. 

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