Mat510 midterm | Mathematics homework help




First Attempt




·         Question 1


4 out of 4 points



Improvement is needed for an organization to survive because:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 2


4 out of 4 points



Why is it so difficult for a person or an organization to improve?


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 3


4 out of 4 points



A SIPOC map is:


Selected Answer:


A comprehensive view of a process including customers and suppliers

Correct Answer:


A comprehensive view of a process including customers and suppliers



·         Question 4


4 out of 4 points



Lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management are some of the new systems for managing and improving an organization. What is a common theme running through these approaches?


Selected Answer:


Improvement is accomplished by improving the processes we use to do out work

Correct Answer:


Improvement is accomplished by improving the processes we use to do out work



·         Question 5


4 out of 4 points



Problem solving activities typically include:


Selected Answer:


None of the above

Correct Answer:


None of the above



·         Question 6


4 out of 4 points



The fact that processes tend to be dynamic, rather than static, is a key principle of statistical thinking. Which of the following is a natural consequence of this fact?


Selected Answer:


Summary statistics, such as averages, are often misleading

Correct Answer:


Summary statistics, such as averages, are often misleading



·         Question 7


4 out of 4 points



The Statistical Thinking Strategy has significant commonality with the scientific method. Which of the following statistical thinking principles is NOT generally associated with the scientific method?


Selected Answer:


None of the above

Correct Answer:


None of the above



·         Question 8


4 out of 4 points



Figure 2.16 shows a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1990 through 2011. This plot reveals some obvious change points, such as the 2008 financial collapse, and some unexplainable short-term variation. Assuming that these are the only sources of variation in this plot, what source of variation is NOT visible in the plot?


Selected Answer:


Structural variation

Correct Answer:


Structural variation



·         Question 9


4 out of 4 points



In Figure 2.11, Coach Hau presented data showing where goals were scored on crosses. This produced unexpected results, in terms of where the goals came from, and helped his team determine an effective strategy on free kicks. This is an example of what principle of statistical thinking?


Selected Answer:


We often revise our original theories in light of data analysis

Correct Answer:


We often revise our original theories in light of data analysis



·         Question 10


4 out of 4 points



The Statistical Thinking Strategy illustrated in Figure 2.14 provides a graphic of the overall approach to driving improvement through statistical thinking. Which of the following is a key principle illustrated in this specific graph?


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 11


4 out of 4 points



In the soccer case study, Coach Hau developed a flowchart of the steps one goes through to properly “head” the ball, and then developed unique drills to develop the team’s skills in each of these steps. This approach is an example of what statistical thinking principle?


Selected Answer:


All activities can be viewed as a process

Correct Answer:


All activities can be viewed as a process



·         Question 12


4 out of 4 points



A manufacturing process has been experiencing problems.  The operators charting the process data have identified the cause to be due to an unanticipated change in incoming raw materials.  This problem should be considered:


Selected Answer:


A special cause

Correct Answer:


A special cause



·         Question 13


4 out of 4 points



Process measurements are:


Selected Answer:


Enable effective control and improvement of processes

Correct Answer:


Enable effective control and improvement of processes



·         Question 14


4 out of 4 points



Process complexity is important because complex processes:


Selected Answer:


Are typically more difficult to operate and contain much waste; thereby providing improvement opportunities

Correct Answer:


Are typically more difficult to operate and contain much waste; thereby providing improvement opportunities



·         Question 15


4 out of 4 points



Service and non-manufacturing processes:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 16


4 out of 4 points



The Hidden Factory is:


Selected Answer:


A source of Increased costs and reduced process capacity

Correct Answer:


A source of Increased costs and reduced process capacity



·         Question 17


4 out of 4 points



The primary goal of process mapping is to:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 18


0 out of 4 points



Service processes are different from manufacturing processes in that:


Selected Answer:


Service processes typically involve more human intervention which increases variation

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 19


4 out of 4 points



Viewing a business as a system is important because:


Selected Answer:


Business performance is a function of all the interconnected processes in the system

Correct Answer:


Business performance is a function of all the interconnected processes in the system



·         Question 20


4 out of 4 points



Use of subject matter knowledge is a key aspect of the Statistical Thinking Strategy discussed in Chapter 2. For which of the following case studies in Chapter 4 was this principle NOT clearly applied?


Selected Answer:


None of the above

Correct Answer:


None of the above



·         Question 21


4 out of 4 points



Which of the following are valid statements about the DMAIC framework?


Selected Answer:


DMAIC came out of the Lean Six Sigma initiative

Correct Answer:


DMAIC came out of the Lean Six Sigma initiative



·         Question 22


4 out of 4 points



We learned in Chapter 3 that the measurement process is always important and worthy of our attention. However, in Chapter 4 we found that measurement can be absolutely critical to solving the problem. For which of the case studies in Chapter 4 was measurement NOT discussed as a critical issue?


Selected Answer:


Realized revenue fiasco

Correct Answer:


Realized revenue fiasco



·         Question 23


4 out of 4 points



Which of the following are accurate statements about the relationship between the Process Improvement Framework (PIF) and the Problem Solving Framework (PSF)?


Selected Answer:


The PSF is a subset of the PIF because we may find special causes in our initial data, and we should address this “low hanging fruit” first

Correct Answer:


The PSF is a subset of the PIF because we may find special causes in our initial data, and we should address this “low hanging fruit” first



·         Question 24


4 out of 4 points



The frameworks discussed in Chapter 4 could be considered more specific examples of:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 25


4 out of 4 points



If you are thinking creatively about how to take existing tools and link and sequence them to develop a novel approach to solve important problems, this would be an example of:


Selected Answer:


Statistical engineering

Correct Answer:


Statistical engineering





MAT 510 MIDTERM 2ND Attempt


·         Question 1


4 out of 4 points



Understanding variation is important because variation:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 2


4 out of 4 points



A SIPOC map is:


Selected Answer:


A comprehensive view of a process including customers and suppliers

Correct Answer:


A comprehensive view of a process including customers and suppliers



·         Question 3


4 out of 4 points



Improvement is needed for an organization to survive because:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 4


4 out of 4 points



Why is it so difficult for a person or an organization to improve?


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 5


4 out of 4 points



W. E. Deming commented “You don’t have to make these changes, survival is not mandatory.”  His message is:


Selected Answer:


Business changes in response to changing market needs are essential to the long-term success of the business

Correct Answer:


Business changes in response to changing market needs are essential to the long-term success of the business



·         Question 6


4 out of 4 points



The fact that processes tend to be dynamic, rather than static, is a key principle of statistical thinking. Which of the following is a natural consequence of this fact?


Selected Answer:


Summary statistics, such as averages, are often misleading

Correct Answer:


Summary statistics, such as averages, are often misleading



·         Question 7


4 out of 4 points



In the advertising case study, the unexpected “V” shaped pattern in the plot of advertising dollars versus sales indicated what?


Selected Answer:


A decrease in advertising would also increase sales

Correct Answer:


A decrease in advertising would also increase sales



·         Question 8


4 out of 4 points



Box, Hunter, and Hunter are quoted in this chapter as stating: “Data have no meaning in themselves; they are meaningful only in relation to a conceptual model of the phenomenon studied.” This critical point is related to which of the following principles of statistical thinking?


Selected Answer:


Statistical thinking applications typically start with subject matter theory, not data

Correct Answer:


Statistical thinking applications typically start with subject matter theory, not data



·         Question 9


4 out of 4 points



Analysts have noticed that October tends to be a bad month in the collections department – our collections on past due accounts tend to be consistently lower in October. This issue should be considered:


Selected Answer:


A form of structural variation

Correct Answer:


A form of structural variation



·         Question 10


4 out of 4 points



It is, unfortunately, common in business for managers to demand an explanation for variation that is, based on statistics, typical and expected variation, i.e., common cause variation. Alternatively, there may be obvious special causes in the data that may be shrugged off as “typical business fluctuations”. Which of the following statements about interpretation of variation are true?


Selected Answer:


Searching for the specific reason for common cause variation is a waste of time and resources

Correct Answer:


Searching for the specific reason for common cause variation is a waste of time and resources



·         Question 11


4 out of 4 points



The Statistical Thinking Strategy illustrated in Figure 2.14 provides a graphic of the overall approach to driving improvement through statistical thinking. Which of the following is a key principle illustrated in this specific graph?


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 12


4 out of 4 points



In Figure 2.11, Coach Hau presented data showing where goals were scored on crosses. This produced unexpected results, in terms of where the goals came from, and helped his team determine an effective strategy on free kicks. This is an example of what principle of statistical thinking?


Selected Answer:


We often revise our original theories in light of data analysis

Correct Answer:


We often revise our original theories in light of data analysis



·         Question 13


4 out of 4 points



The Hidden Factory is:


Selected Answer:


A source of Increased costs and reduced process capacity

Correct Answer:


A source of Increased costs and reduced process capacity



·         Question 14


4 out of 4 points



The primary goal of process mapping is to:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 15


4 out of 4 points



Viewing a business as a system is important because:


Selected Answer:


Business performance is a function of all the interconnected processes in the system

Correct Answer:


Business performance is a function of all the interconnected processes in the system



·         Question 16


4 out of 4 points



The SIPOC model for a business helps everyone in the company see the business from an overall perspective by:
I.          Keeping a focus on customer needs
II.         Identifying inputs and outputs for each step of the process
III.       Displaying cross-function activities in simple terms
IV.       Helping maintain the big business picture


Selected Answer:


I, II and IV only

Correct Answer:


I, II and IV only



·         Question 17


4 out of 4 points



Process complexity is important because complex processes:


Selected Answer:


Are typically more difficult to operate and contain much waste; thereby providing improvement opportunities

Correct Answer:


Are typically more difficult to operate and contain much waste; thereby providing improvement opportunities



·         Question 18


4 out of 4 points



Service processes are different from manufacturing processes in that:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 19


4 out of 4 points



Processes are important because:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 20


4 out of 4 points



If you are thinking creatively about how to take existing tools and link and sequence them to develop a novel approach to solve important problems, this would be an example of:


Selected Answer:


Statistical engineering

Correct Answer:


Statistical engineering



·         Question 21


4 out of 4 points



Which type of variation was critical to resolving the realized revenue case study?


Selected Answer:


Structural variation

Correct Answer:


Structural variation



·         Question 22


4 out of 4 points



Suppose the Process Improvement Framework were used to attack a problem where the process in question was inherently unstable. Which of the following would be a likely result of this effort?


Selected Answer:


Immediate opportunities for improvement would be missed

Correct Answer:


Immediate opportunities for improvement would be missed



·         Question 23


4 out of 4 points



The frameworks discussed in Chapter 4 could be considered more specific examples of:


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 24


4 out of 4 points



The Problem Solving Framework begins with a “Document the Problem” phase. The Process Improvement Framework does not begin this way, but rather begins with an “Understand the Process phase.” Which of the following are valid reasons for this difference?


Selected Answer:


All of the above

Correct Answer:


All of the above



·         Question 25


4 out of 4 points



Which of the following are valid statements about the DMAIC framework?


Selected Answer:


DMAIC came out of the Lean Six Sigma initiative

Correct Answer:


DMAIC came out of the Lean Six Sigma initiative





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