Latin ii lesson 1 test

Question 1

Who sent Jason on the quest for the Golden Fleece?

Question 2

Who revealed the location of the Golden Fleece to Jason?

Question 3

Why was Jason not raised in Ioclus?

Question 4

Who raised Jason?

Question 5

Where did Jason find the Golden Fleece?

Question 6

Who is Aeetes?

Question 7

Which of the following is not one of the tasks Aeetes gives to Jason?

Question 8

Which of the following best describes Medea’s character?

Question 9

What was Jason’s fate?

Question 10

Why did the character Phineus help Jason?

Question 11

Identify the proper case for the underlined noun or pronoun in the sentence if you were to compose it into Latin.

O Cornelius, if only Caesar were here with us in the senate and could give his wisdom to us!

Question 12

Identify the proper case for the underlined noun or pronoun in the sentence if you were to compose it into Latin.

O Cornelius, if only Caesar were here with us in the senate and could give his wisdom to us!

Question 13

Identify the proper case for the underlined noun or pronoun in the sentence if you were to compose it into Latin.

O Cornelius, if only Caesar were here with us in the senate and could give his wisdom to us!

Question 14

Identify the proper case for the underlined noun or pronoun in the sentence if you were to compose it into Latin.

O Cornelius, if only Caesar were here with us in the senate and could give his wisdom to us!

Question 15

Identify the proper case for the underlined noun or pronoun in the sentence if you were to compose it into Latin.

O Cornelius, if only Caesar were here with us in the senate and could give his wisdom to us!

Question 16

Choose the best translation of this form: id

Question 17

Choose the best translation of this form: eae

Question 18

Choose the best translation of the underlined word.

Quid vos facitis in mea caverna?

Question 19

Identify the antecedent in the following sentence.

Cicero ordered Marcus, whom he had befriended many years ago, to come with him into the house.

Question 20

Choose the correct Latin form of the relative pronoun in the following sentence.

Cicero ordered Marcus, whom he had befriended many years ago, to come with him into the house.

Question 21

Match the forms of the relative pronoun to their correct gender, number, and case.











Question 22

Translate the following story into good English.

Narcissus erat iuvenis pulcher qui in silva habitabat. Multae virgines eum amabant. Narcissus tamen nullas puellas amabat; se solum amabat. Nympha Echo, quae iuvenem pulchrum quoque amabat, de amore suo dicere volebat, sed non potuit. Nympha verbum ultimum quod audivit semper dicebat. Echo igitur infelix erat. Denique corpus totum evanuit; vox sola manebat. Interdum vocem eius hodie audire possumus. Olim Narcissus imaginem iuvenis in lacu placido conspexit. Narcissus, qui se amabat, imaginem amavit. Diu se spectabat. Denique in florem pulchrum mutavit. Hodie hos flores pulchros prope lacus videre potes.

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