Ha515 discussion unit 9 | Applied Sciences homework help
in not less than 200 words discuss:
Appraise and defend a “perfect” health leader by explaining the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies of that “perfect” leader. Is this similar to the type of leader you want to be? Why or why not?
In two different paragraph with not less than 75 words give your personal opinion to Benjamin Schortgen and Priyanka Joshi
Priyanka Joshi
The idea of a perfect leader is somewhat subjective. Depending on your management style, the culture of the organization, and the industry, the type of leadership required and the attributes that make up an ideal leader can vary greatly. Despite this possibility for variance, I believe that there are a set of core qualities that good leaders should possess, which include the innate ability to listen, are able to clearly communicate and work towards a well-defined vision, have the ability to think critically and adapt as needed. Also, an ideal leader should be able to remain optimistic yet realistic, facing challenges head on while still motivating the organization in a positive manner (Becker’s Hospital Review, 2015). Healthcare leaders have the unique opportunity to lead highly diverse organizations, which requires creating cohesion between employees with vastly different skill sets, focus areas/job function, educational, community, and ethnic backgrounds. A perfect leader should be able to unite the diverse workforce and focus the organization to meet its mission and outcomes, while continuously improving upon the care provided by the organization.
A health leader should be knowledgeable in the different areas of the hospital that he or she oversees, and maintain a willingness to engage with department managers and staff in order to gain insight and feedback into what works and what does not. A leader who can not reconcile feedback and turn it into positive actions to support the staff and drive the organization forward will not be successful in my opinion. Employee engagement at the font line level is important, and listening to their needs and prioritizing is necessary to ensure staff satisfaction and instill faith in the healthcare organization’s administration. A perfect leader will be able to obtain employee by in for the initiatives being created, and foster a productive organizational culture through positive and sustainable change management (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). In my opinion, the ability to obtain employee buy in for change is the most important skill an effective health leader can have. In my personal experience, I’ve seen great and well-intentioned initiatives, particularly around Safe Patient Handling/ Patient Safety, Workplace Safety, and overall employee skills training fail due to the lack of front-line staff buy in, due to ineffective change management, and lack of trust in leadership.
Ledlow, G. R., & Stephens, J. H. (2018). Leadership for health professionals: theory, skills, and applications. Retrieved March 3, 2020, from
Packard, D. (2015, September 15). 5 important qualities for a medical leader (and one to avoid). Retrieved from https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-management-administration/5-important-qualities-for-a-medical-leader-and-one-to-avoid.html
Benjamin Schortgen
A “perfect” leader should be one who speaks volumes through their actions and decisions, not by their words alone. I have heard of leaders doing a crumpled paper test, where they throw a piece of paper on the floor and see how long before someone picks it up, but the real question for this discussion is, would they pick it up?
An ability I want to emulate and that I admire in a special type of leader is the ability to give critiques without being critical or “mean” and to be able to communicate to a wide variety of audiences.
Being a jack of all trades but an expert of none is the way I would describe the perfect healthcare leader. A leader should know, in general, how their facility is run, the services they provide, and the types of people who are needed to make the organization run. A perfect leader can balance this knowledge without getting too lost in the details of day to day activities and trusts his or her subordinates to manage these things.
Strong conviction is imperative to the perfect leader and being able to deliver on those convictions without being corny or self-righteous is a rare trait that I would give the perfect leader.
Being genuine is an uncommon trait to have, and one that is nearly impossible to fake, so a leader who is true to their own person and can project that positively is another check mark for a perfect leader.
These characteristics, in my attempts to become a better leader, are the most important to me and the attributes I would like to steer the course of my career as I grow professionally. Being fair and consistent in all these traits will help me achieve as close to perfection as possible and allow me to be true to myself in areas where I am perhaps not batting a thousand.
I hold true that no one is perfect, and I will fall short if I try to be perfect. I can, however, strive every day to do and be better by knowing myself and understanding how I project into the world my leadership style.
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