10–12 pages total, plus title page, abstract, and bibliography. final


Select one of the following cases. Then, select a specific subject for the focus of your paper that can be discussed in a 10- to 12-page research paper. Imagine that you are assisting an attorney in the case who has requested that you research the specific focus area, and provide a concise report to inform the court about the topic.

Required cases and possible focus subjects:

Jodi Arias, convicted of killing her boyfriend

  • Battered woman’s syndrome
  • Narcissism and violence risk
  • Similarities to other death penalty cases
  • Base your paper on the research you gather and not on your opinion. You may use both popular and scholarly references. (Resources explaining proper use of scholarly and non-scholarly resources are available in the Learning Resources section.)
  • Use APA format, in text and in the reference list.
  • Ensure that you have minimal writing errors.
  • Final paper length: 10–12 pages total, plus title page, abstract, and bibliography.
  • Final paper structure:
    • Brief biographical summary (2–3 paragraphs)
    • Introduction to the issue to be discussed
    • Summary of the current scholarly research about the issue
    • Conclusion (1–3 paragraphs)
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