1800-2000 words report in fundamental of marketing
In Assignment 4 you will work alone to recommend a marketing strategy for the same Brand + Sub-Brand that you studied for Assignments 2 and 3. You will act as an independent consultant and produce a report for the Marketing Manager(s) of your selected Brand + Sub-Brand.
· In Assignment 3 your Group analyzed the marketing environment and segmented the consumer market for your Brand + Sub-Brand. In Assignment 4, you will recommend a Marketing strategy, based on your Group’s analyses.
· You will use marketing theories and concepts appropriately.
· You will find sources of information to justify the points you make.
· Therefore, you will cite your References* and include a List of References as the last pages of your report. * In-text referencing.
1-MKT10007 Assignment 4 Template & Rubric S1,19.docx
2-MKT10007 Assignment 4 Companion Document S1,19.docx
3-Assignment 4 Marking Guide.docx
4-Assignment 4 Marking Guide Page 2.docx
5-Triple Bottom Line indicators [PDF, 548KB]
There are many useful resources available to you which you can use to ensure that you achieve a D or HD Grade; Go to Canvas > Assignments > Assignment 4, download the documents, and follow these steps:-
1. Procure a copy of your Group’s final versions of Assignments 2 and 3, plus the data used to create those reports. This information should already be posted on your Group’s Facebook page/Google docs. Make sure that your Group’s Assignment 4 includes a Segment Attractiveness Table. You need this Table to start Assignment 4. If there is not one, then you and your Group members need to create one now, before you can start Assignment 4.
2. Template – download the Template as a Word document and use it to provide the Headings and Sub-Headings. Then follow the Instructions on the Template. Then, remove the Instructions from the Template progressively as you write your Report.
3. Rubric – read carefully the requirements here for D and HD Grades. See also the Marking Guide page 2 – which is a quick checklist of the key things you need to include to get the higher grade marks
4. Companion Document – this provides the key theory slides + shows you examples of the key items required in the Assignment; for example, Positioning Charts, recommended strategies at each stage in the Product Life Cycle, and so on.
5. Also on Canvas are the Lecture slides; Lectures 6 to 9 (Marketing Mix), Lecture 10 (Branding) and Lectures 11 & 12, which deal with the material you will need for your Conclusion; ethics, social responsibility and so on.
6. Also, go to Canvas > Modules > Student Manual. Here you will find all the information you need about getting data, writing Reports, Referencing, demonstrating your Application of Theory and much more – all the skills you need are here.
We know that you will be able to achieve a very high standard Assignment 4 if you follow this process, Best regards from the Teaching Team
A 5-Minute film – The marketing Mix in Action; https://monocle.com/film/edits/paris-retail-la-grande-epicerie/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
The newly opened La Grande Epicerie on the Parisian rive droite celebrates the importance of physical retail. Monocle Films pays a visit to admire the heri…