American Sentinel SIM440 Activity 3 Continuum of Care

American Sentinel SIM440 Activity 3 Continuum of Care
American Sentinel SIM440 Activity 3 Continuum of Care

Explain how the concept continuum of care is used in case management and within your organization.  What new services/programs are your organization currently evaluating or performing that are assisting patients to reach their health goals?  How do these services/programs impact the bottom line of the organization? American Sentinel SIM440 Activity 3 Continuum of Care
Quality indicators, such as accessibility, appropriateness, continuity, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, timeliness, patient perspective issues, and safety, can influence quality of care. Choose one indicator and discuss its influence on care inventory environments, including local, state, national, and global. Discuss the practice of linking hospital reimbursement to performance outcomes.

Reading & Resources

Chapter 2 pages 44-47 in Fundamentals of Case Management Practice
De Regge, M., Pourcq, K. D., Meijboom, B., Trybou, J., Mortier, E., & Eeckloo, K. (2017). The role of hospitals in bridging the care continuum: A systematic review of coordination of care and follow-up for adults with chronic conditions. BMC Health Services Research, 17
Davis, M. M., Devoe, M., Kansagara, D., Nicolaidis, C., & Englander, H. (2012). “Did I do as best as the system would let me?” healthcare professional views on hospital to home care transitions. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 27(12), 1649-56.
Asgar, A. H., Ravaghi, H., Kringos, D. S., Ogbu, U. C., Fischer, C., Azami, S. R., & Klazinga, N. S. (2014). Using quality measures for quality improvement: The perspective of hospital staff. PLoS One, 9(1)
Buerhaus, P. I., DesRoches, C., Applebaum, S., Hess, R., Norman, L. D., & Donelan, K. (2012). Are nurses ready for health care reform? A decade of survey research. Nursing Economics, 30(6), 318-29, quiz 330.
Elwood, T. W., DrP.H. (2013). Health reform in the context of entelechy. Journal of Allied Health, 42(3), 127-34.
Feemster, L. C., & Au, D. H. (2014). Penalizing hospitals for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease readmissions. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 189(6), 634-9.
Review American Association of Managed Care Nurses to explore information related to finance and payment structuring.

Additional Instructions:

All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options

Choose One:


4 page paper. Include title and reference pages.

Rubric – American Sentinel SIM440 Activity 3 Continuum of Care

Collaboration for Improving Outcomes – Continuum of Care

Description: The baccalaureate graduate nurse will apply concepts of quality and safety to identify clinical questions and describe the process of changing current practice.

Course Competencies: 2) Develop a holistic case management plan for a specified disease or population that incorporates the role of insurance, health care finance, and utilization of community resources. 3) Examine the role of case management in end of life care including ethical and legal issues. 4) Coordinate the care of individuals across the lifespan utilizing principles and knowledge of interdisciplinary models of care delivery and case management.

QSEN Competencies: 1) Patient-Centered Care 2) Teamwork and Collaboration 3) Evidence- Based Practice

BSN Essential II

Gold Mastery
Silver Proficient
Bronze Acceptable
Acceptable Mastery not

Explain how the concept continuum of care is used in case management and within your organization
Explains how the concept continuum of care is used in case management and within your organization
States how the continuum of care is used in case management and within your organization. American Sentinel SIM440 Activity 3 Continuum of Care
Lists how the concept continuum of care is used in case management and within your organization
Does not address the topic

Explain new services/programs that your organization is currently evaluating or performing that are assisting patients to reach
their health goals
Explains new services/programs that your organization is currently evaluating or performing that are assisting patients to reach
their health goals
States new services/programs that your organization is currently evaluating or performing that are assisting patients to reach
their health goals
Lists new services/programs that your organization is currently evaluating or performing that are assisting patients to reach
their health goals
Does not address the topic

Explain how these new services/programs can impact the bottom line of the organization.
Explains how new services/programs can impact the bottom line of the organization.
States how new services/programs can impact the bottom line of the organization.
Lists how new services/programs can impact the bottom line of the organization.
Does not address the topic

Choose a quality indicator and discuss how it can influence quality of care
Chooses a quality indicator and explains how it can influence quality of care
Chooses a quality indicator and states how it can influence quality of care
Chooses a quality indicator but doesn’t discuss how it can influence care
Does not address the topic

Assesses the practice of linking hospital reimbursement to
Assesses the practice of linking hospital reimbursement to
Explains the practice of linking hospital reimbursement to
Lists the practice of linking hospital reimbursement to
Does not address the topic


performance outcomes
performance outcomes
performance outcomes
performance outcomes

APA, Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
One to three errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
Four to six errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
Seven or more errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.

Provides two or more references.
Provides two references.
Provides one references.
Provides no references.

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