Capstone project: preliminary literature review and action item

I have attached my first draft, but I would like you to  expand on the industry of adult living.   Please if you need any information or question please email me ASAP.


This assignment comprises two sections: a preliminary literature review and an action item checklist.

Preliminary Literature Review:

1. Contains a minimum of 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles.

2. Each article needs to be thoroughly summarized. The summary must  describe the relevance of the article, and how the research findings  support the action you are proposing in your capstone project.

3. Each article summary needs to include a research design and methods section.

4. The capstone project requires a comprehensive literature review that  includes a minimum of 25 articles; 10 article summaries will be written  in HCA-620 and can be applied in HCA-699.

Action Item Checklist:

The Action Item Checklist should include specific future steps  required to complete your capstone project as well as expected  completion dates.