Ost a polished and integrated analysis that answers this question: if


This should be the apa format listed in the reference page Kanter, R.M. (2014). The Weather Company. (Harvard Business School Case No. 9-314-083). Boston, MA. ( Also listed below is the attachment you will use to help you answer the questions. 

The Weather Company, which, in August 2013, presented their strategic plan that the senior leadership could help the company grow from $600 million in revenue to $1 billion or more by 2016. You will evaluate the proposed strategy, based on your cumulative knowledge from this course and your MBA program. 

 Student provides a thorough and detailed explanation presenting a comprehensive conclusion as to whether he/she would approve the proposed strategy if he/she was on the board of directors at The Weather Company in 2013, and identifies any aspects that he/she would have recommended for changes or would recommend now to further strengthen the company’s future prospects. 

 Student provides a thorough and detailed assessment synthesizing and integrating the Strategy Evaluation Elements to support his/her conclusion with a well-reasoned, logical, and evidence-based rationale, and considers each of the important questions and topics necessary to evaluate strategy in a comprehensive manner. 

 Writing is clear, logical, well-organized and appropriate. Work is free from spelling and grammar/syntax errors.  Tone is professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism, racism). There are no errors. 

 Student effectively and directly integrates discussion/assignment content with relevant and compelling personal experiences, additional research, or current events from credible news sources. Specifically adds a new and/or different insight or perspective on the subject area(s) being discussed or treated in the assignment.