Business mangement class forum responses

I need a 200-word reply to each of the following 2 forum post that were made by my classmates:


Forum Reply #1[1]


Being able to identify AND manage your own emotions and the emotions of others is called emotional intelligence (Mayer, 2009).  People with high levels of emotional intelligence can solve a variety of emotion related problems accurately and quickly, making better leaders.  Dee Hock said that “We should invest 50 per cent of our leadership amperage in self-leadership and the remaining 50 per cent should be divided into leading down, leading up, and leading laterally” (Ng, 2013).  Emotional intelligence is essential to leading yourself.


Rampton (2016) discusses several aspects of emotional intelligence that make people more successful.  Personal competence involves both self-awareness and self-management. For example, being self-aware means you know your strengths and weaknesses and you don’t feel the need to be a perfectionist. Self-management involves controlling your emotions, being honest and trustworthy, and being self-motivated (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013). The other side of emotional intelligence is social competence. Social awareness allows you to be empathetic, have an organizational awareness, and recognize the needs of others.  Relationship management is the personal side of leadership: how you influence others, build them, inspire them, and influence change. 


Of these four components of emotional intelligence, I think self-awareness and social awareness are the most important elements of self-leadership.  These aspects of emotional intelligence guide how we act and how we treat others.  If we know how to manage our emotions and read the emotions of others, we can steer ourselves more easily.


Kreitner, R. & Kinicki, A. (Eds.). (2013). Individual behavior in organizations. Organizational Behavior, 10th ed. P 142-143. McGraw-Hill Irwin. New York, NY.


Mayer, J. (2009). What emotional intelligence is and is not. Psychology Today [serial online]. Retrieved from


Ng, J. (2013). What is self-leadership?. Retrieved from


Rampton, J. (2016). 10 qualities of people with high emotional intelligence.  Retrieved from




Forum Reply #2[2]


The Rokeach Values Survey was a really eye-opening experience for me.  I was able to reflect on what really matters to me and what I could do without if I had to.  I found that my major terminal values are Salvation, Health, Family Security, and Inner Harmony.  These values are truly important to what makes me a person.  I value my salvation most because it signifies freedom in so many ways.  As I have grown older and wiser my soul has become what means the most to me.  My alignment with God drives me to desire better health.  I have a desire to live longer because I want to fulfill my purpose on earth. 


The thought of having the absolute best for my family makes me feel that I am living in my purpose to a certain extent.  Family Security says that I did not only live for me, I lived for us.  If I ever leave this earth, I find comfort in knowing that they will be ok. 


The Instrumental values that closely pertain to me are Honest, Ambitious, Clean, and Independent.  These values line up perfectly with the type of man and manager I strive to be daily.  My goal is to run an organization that helps people all over the world.  This exercise has taught me that my personal values and the values of my organization are intact with each other.  My organization is the school system in the inner-city of Memphis Tn. and we share a lot of the same goals and dreams for our young people.  In the workplace these qualities will assure that I am able to reach a good amount of students because of the genuine nature of its roots.  (Chapman & Sisodia 2015) It is about achieving success beyond success, measured in the flourishing of human lives.  This is who I am and who I am striving to improve so these values make me feel as if I am on the right track.




Rokeach Value Survey [pdf]. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Chapman, B., Sisodia, R., (2015) Everybody Matters: The extraordinary power of caring for your people like family. Penguin Publishing Group


[1] Main forum question was: “Discuss the role that emotional intelligence (EI) plays in the self-leadership. Be sure to provide an analysis of all four dimensions of EI (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management) in your response”


Refer to the results of your “Rokeach Values Survey” that you completed for this week’s assignment

What are your major terminal and instrumental values? Which values, terminal or instrumental, are valid predictors of career success in the workplace? To what extent do you believe your personal values are aligned with the values of your organization?? What impact does this have on your sense of belongingness/fit with your organization?