Ha499 unit4 | HA499 | Purdue Global University
For this assignment, you will submit a resume and cover letter for review through Career Services. It is highly recommended that you use the following guides and templates when drafting your cover letter and resume:
Resume guide – link
Resume Template – link
Cover Letter Guide – link
Use these resources to learn how to submit your cover letter and resume to Career Services for review.
You will then turn in the screenshot of your submissions to the Dropbox.
Please note that you will be required to submit follow-up documents in Unit 6. This includes proof of approval of your cover letter from Career Services as well as proof of an improvement in your overall resume score. Be sure to review all of the feedback you receive in order to improve both documents.
Submitting your work:
Submit your screenshots of the submission (not your actual resume or cover letter sample) to the Unit 4 Dropbox.