Deviant behavior/stigma of heroin use
Explain behavior with 3rd theory – Strain Theory
- Introduction of Strain Theory
- The example of Strain Theory
- Explanation of how Strain Theory relates to deviant behavior of heroin use.
Eaves, Cindy S. 2004. “Heroin Use among Female Adolescents: The Role of Partner Influence in Path of Initiation and Route of Administration.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 30(1):21–38.
Gainey, Randy R., Richard F. Catalano, Kevin R. Haggerty, and Marilyn J. Hoppe. 1997. “Deviance among the Children of Heroin Addicts in Treatment: Impact of Parents and Peers.” Deviant Behavior 18(2):143–59.
Bohnert, Amy S., Catherine P. Bradshaw, and Carl A. Latkin. 2009. “A Social Network Perspective on Heroin and Cocaine Use among Adults: Evidence of Bidirectional Influences.” Addiction 104(7):1210–18.