Urgent spss case analysis-needs fixing

I had someone else help me with the assignment but while a lot of what they did was OK they really didn’t answer the questions properly, so as a result i need you to answer the questions with a little more detail

for the answers. this is what the professor wanted for each answer

• Your interpretation of the results


for a lot of the answers they didn’t really explain what the differences were between Santa Fe grill and Jose’s cafe.


for question 1 they just wrote significant differences. I need to know what exactly was significant and why?


for question 2 they just wrote significant differences again. i need to know what exactly were the differences were and why?


for question 4 i need you to explain more about the relationships between items 1,9,11. please interpret the findings. all they did was

write positive for each one. please write what was positive and why please write more


for question 5 i need you to explain the differences in detail and why. all they did was write large differences. i need to know what each

difference was and why


for question 6 please explain the differences in detail and why. again they just said showed large differences. please explain each difference

in detail and why


for question 7 yet again all they did was say that the differences were significant. i need to know what the differences were exactly and why


for question 8 please go into detail about what differences there were and why. dont just say something is significant. i need to know what

is significant and why. needs more detail


the professor has given me another chance to do it better, so please fix everything for me and get it back to me in a day. i have uploaded most of the information you will need to complete this assignment, including the word file that was used for the original answers but for some reason i cant upload the main SPSS file needed to complete the assignment properly so i need you to e m a i l me at

d a s o c c e r g u y 0 7 a t g m a i l . com so u can get the main SPSS file needed to fix this assignment for me

so i have uploaded all the original information to use again. please fix this asap