Readings: read from the little seagull handbook the following two

READINGS: Read from the Little Seagull Handbook the following two sections and then answer the questions 1-4 provided below. 

  • Arguments: pages 43-48
  • Developing Paragraphs: pages 17-29.

Questions: Format: Copy and paste the each question into your document before providing your answer. Your answers should be thoughtful and complete.

  1. What is a topic sentence and where should it be placed within the body paragraphs.
  2. Describe the eight  different types of body paragraphs  explained in the textbook (19-25) and note two types of body paragraphs you intend to use in your essay and why you have chosen these types.
  3. An essay must “flow” and have a set up that is easy for a reader to follow. What are the three ways to make your essay flow ( 25-27). Explain each (in your own words) and explain why each is an important component of “flow”.
  4. When should you start a new paragraph?What strategies will you try for your opening and closing paragraphs and why? ( 28-29)