Powerpoint_2g_orientation | Computer Science homework help
#PowerPoint 2G Orientation
Project Description:
In the following project, you will format a presentation that is shown to Sensation Park Entertainment Group employees on their first day of a three-day orientation.
Open the file Student_PowerPoint_2G_Orientation.pptx downloaded with this project.
On Slide 1, format the subtitle—New Employee Orientation—as WordArt using the last style in the first row.
Select the picture and then Crop the image from the left side so that the center-left crop handle aligns with the left half of the horizontal ruler at 5 inches.
Change the picture Height to 3.5 and then apply a Glow: 8 point; Turquoise, Accent color 1 picture effect to the image. Use the Align Selected Objects command to apply Align Middle to the title and the picture.
On Slide 2, remove the bullet symbol from the paragraph, and then change the Shape Fill to, under Theme Colors, in the third column, the second color, and the Shape Outline to under Theme Colors, in the second column, the first color.
On Slide 3, convert the bulleted list to the Hierarchy type SmartArt graphic—Hierarchy List. Change the color to Colorful Range – Accent Colors 3 to 4, and then apply the 3-D Inset style.
On Slide 4, change the two bulleted lists to Numbering.
On Slide 5, change the bullet symbols to Filled Square Bullets, change the Color to under Theme Colors, in the third column, the fourth color, and then change the Size to 100.
On Slide 5, in the placeholder on the right, insert an online picture by searching for fire alarm and then insert a picture of a fire alarm with a background.
Note—alternatively, insert the image p02G_Alarm.jpg downloaded with the data files for this project.
If the option is available, remove the background from the picture, and then apply the Glow: 18 point, Bright Green, Accent color 3 picture effect.
On Slide 5, insert a Text Box below the content placeholder on the left side of the slide. In the text box, type All employees will be tested on park safety procedures! Using the Align to Slide option Align Center the text box and apply Align Bottom.
On Slide 6, from the Shapes gallery, under Basic Shapes, insert a Diamond of any size anywhere on the slide. Resize the diamond so that its Shape Height is 6 and its Shape Width is 8.
Using the Align to Slide option, apply Align Center, and Align Middle to the diamond shape. Apply the Moderate Effect – Bright Green, Accent 3 shape style.
In the diamond, type Sensation Park Entertainment Group Welcomes You! Change the Font Size to 28, and then apply the Round Convex Bevel effect to the diamond shape. Note—this effect may be called Art Deco on some systems.
Insert a Header & Footer on the Notes and Handouts. Include the Date and time updated automatically, the Page number, and a Footer with the text 2G_Orientation
Display the document properties. As the Tags type orientation.
Save and close the file, and then submit for grading.